Home 9 Activities 9 Midday Prayer for the sick and departed

Midday Prayer for the sick and departed

The pages of the Gospels are full of accounts of Jesus healing people of all sorts of illnesses – be they physical, mental or social. We believe that God still wants to bring healing to people today. Often this is brought about through the skill and wisdom that God has given to those in the medical profession.  But we also believe that prayer is significant and powerful, and that healing comes in many different forms.

A group meets in church once a month (on the second Thursday in the month) at 12pm to pray. We pray for those who are unwell, and read out the names from the memorial book of those who have died, and a candle is lit in their memory. There is the option of soup and a roll for lunch for those who wish to stay.

We also offer the ministry of healing twice a year during our morning service. During our worship, people are given the opportunity to come forward and receive prayer either for themselves or someone who is on their heart. We are also planning to offer additional services of Healing. Do check the Pew News for further details using the link on the front Homepage.